
1. Who will deliver the training content and mentoring support?

The primary training content will be led by Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE). GARE will partner with CALIFA, Marin County Free Library and Santa Monica Public Library to deliver skills building trainings in each region as well as tools to help public libraries participating in the Cultivating Inclusion and Racial Equity Project to develop action plans that promote racial equity. The training leader for GARE will be Gordon Goodwin, GARE Director. The Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE) is a national network of government working to achieve racial equity and advance opportunities for all. GARE has past experience enacting change alongside libraries.


Find out if your jurisdiction is a member of GARE.

The Santa Monica Public Library and the Marin County Free Library will provide mentoring and coaching alongside GARE’s curriculum to support the Teams from each participating library.

Network Meeting

1.When is the network meeting?

CREI Meeting 1: March 23-25, 2021*

CREI Meeting 2: June 8-10, 2021* 

CREI Meeting 3: August 10-12, 2021* 

*All trainings and networking events are currently scheduled to be held virtually and will only be held in person if California COVID Safety Protocols permit.

Team Members

1. We are a small library system. We want to participate fully but not all of the team may be able to attend the trainings and meetings. Are we still eligible?

At least two members of your team should attend the scheduled trainings and meetings to ensure a Regional partner approach and support for the implementation at your home Library.

2. What is the optimal composition of the Team from each library jurisdiction? 

All levels of staff can participate, but we encourage you to select team members that have big ideas, with different roles in your library, understand your organizational culture and can facilitate implementation.

3. Can we substitute a member?

Things change from time to time. The goal is to develop a team that is effective and works well to implement the learning.


1. Will funds be provided upfront?

Up to $1000 per Deepening Library System (2nd Year Systems) for a total of up to 19 Library Systems/57 staff at 3 staff per System; up to $2500 Creating Library System(1st Year Systems) for a total of up to 10 Library Systems/50 staff at 5 staff per System.

Cost will include only LSTA allowable expenses for transportation, lodging, subsistence, and related items incurred by employees of CREI participating Library Systems. Reimbursement is the preferred method of payment for expenses.

2. Can we use part of funds available to visit other CREI jurisdictions doing similar work in race and equity or to support the use of graphics or design or the expense of videography to enhance the learning?

Yes. The use of the funds is to support your team experience. For consideration of allowable expenses outside of basic travel and staff support, please contact a Project Manager.

Coaching and Resources

1. What kind of coaching is available?

Project Managers and staff from Marin County Free Library and Santa Monica Public Library will attend all trainings and provide individualized coaching and mentoring for library teams. Regular communications (conference calls, Skype or Zoom sessions) will keep teams on track and monitor progress. Project Managers can also interface with related partners and related leadership for additional support as needed. Project Managers have considerable practical experience in this area and can provide solution based and troubleshooting ideas.

2. What are resources will be available?

The Project Managers and GARE trainers will provide occasional webinars (that will be archived and recorded) for learning and sharing opportunities that will feature libraries that have integrated the values of race and equity as part of their operations.


1. What will the presentation be like?

Teams will showcase where they are in the process, lessons learned, and any outcomes they wish to share with colleagues at the Network Meetings to be held regionally. Teams will identify individualized approaches to share information about this work with their governance bodies and community.