Library Products & Services
Califa is a membership organization dedicated to providing the best library products to our members at the best prices. We negotiate with library vendors for discounted pricing and group pricing, and provide procurement services so that libraries can buy multiple products from a single vendor: Califa.
Here are the vendors and products we're currently working with:
- ABCmouse - Ages 2-8+
- Advantage Archives
- AtoZ Databases
- Altarama
- AWE Learning
- Backstage Library Works
- Beanstack
- BiblioBoard
- BiblioCommons
- Bibliotheca
- BookBrowse
- Britannica Education
- Brodart
- Cell-Ed
- Comics Plus
- Communico
- ConnectWell
- Counting Opinions
- Creativebug
- Data Axle Reference Solutions (formerly ReferenceUSA)
- Digital Human Library
- Digitalia
- Editorial Oceano
- FE Technologies
- Fiero Code
- Gale Cengage
- Headed2 CareerExplorer
- Hiveclass
- Infobase
- Infopeople
- KEplatform
- Kono - Asian Magazines for Libraries
- Lakeshore Learning Materials (Furniture Orders Only)
- Lectorum Publications, Inc.
- Library Juice Academy
- Library Speakers Consortium
- Lifeliqe
- Little Pim
- LOTE4Kids
- Magzter for Libraries from WT Cox Information Services
- Mango Languages
- McGraw Hill
- MediaNews Group
- Morningstar
- My China Roots Library Edition
- Oxford University Press
- PAVE Prevention
- PressReader
- Pronunciator
- ProQuest (part of Clarivate)
- Quipu Group
- RDA Toolkit
- Rock's Backpages
- Rosen Digital
- Sage Publishing
- Scholastic
- Shoutbomb
- Skillsoft
- Skilltype
- Smart Horizons
- Springshare
- Stories in the Cloud Dial-A-Story
- The Wall Street Journal
- Treehouse
- Unique Management Services
- World Archives
- World Trade Press
- Xello (formerly Career Cruising)
- XR Libraries
Are you a vendor interested in providing your product/service via Califa? Check out our Vendor FAQ!
If you are a Califa member, and want to see a new vendor added, contact Kathy (