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Building Radical Empathy Forum Information

Forum Information:

University of Illinois at Chicago, Student Center East, Room 301

750 S Halsted St, Chicago, IL 60607

May 3 and 4, 2023


Attendee List

Learn more about the grant or read the press release.

Advisory Committee

  • Dr. Nicole A. Cooke, Phd, MEd, MLS, Co-Project Director, Augusta Baker Endowed Chair and Associate Professor, School of Library and Information Science, University of South Carolina
  • Dr. Aisha Johnson, Project Committee Member, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Outreach, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • David Pack Atkins, Project Commitee Member, Dean, University Libraries, East Tennessee State University
  • Veronda Pitchford, Co-Project Director, Assistant Director, Califa Group/Infopeople
  • Holly Smith, Project Committee Member, College Archivist, Spelman College

Participant Information:

Get to know your colleagues ahead of time with the Attendee List.

Hotel Information:

Crowne Plaza Chicago West Loop

25 South Halsted Street, Chicago, IL 60661


For reimbursement, everyone must submit a reimbursement request.

Please include the following in your reimbursement request:

  • Reimbursement Form (PDF)
  • Original, detailed receipt(s); scanned or images acceptable for digital submission.
  • Map for miles driven (if requesting mileage reimbursement)
  • W9 Form (PDF)

If you cannot complete the reimbursement request online, please send complete reimbursement request to:

Califa Group
330 Townsend St, Suite 133
San Francisco, CA 94107


Please reach out to with any questions you may have.


All resources for the Building Radical Empathy Forum are available on Google Drive.

Dance Soundtrack

Institute of Museum and Library Services

Institute of Museum and Library Services

This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services RE-252554-OLS-22.

The Institute of Museum and Library Services is the primary source of federal support for the nation's libraries and museums. We advance, support, and empower America’s museums, libraries, and related organizations through grantmaking, research, and policy development. Our vision is a nation where museums and libraries work together to transform the lives of individuals and communities. To learn more, visit and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.