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Patron Point logo

Patron PointTM is THE marketing automation platform for public libraries, used by many libraries around the world to help drive digital marketing and community engagement.

We bring all your data together by connecting to your ILS and a wide range of third party services such as your eBook platforms, eDatabases, events registration systems and many others to help you segment your audience based on your data to allowing you to not only automate some of your communications, but to make sure the messages are highly targeted, personalized and relevant.

It integrates with all major ILS vendors and works for individual libraries and those within a consortium environment.

Patron Point Introductory video

There are so many things libraries can use Patron Point for including

Patron Point eCard logo

Online card registration solution is included with every Patron Point subscription. Fully integrated with your ILS, we bespoke the workflow, branding and messaging specifically based on your library’s processes.

Patron Point Verify logo

Patron Point VerifyTM is our online patron address verification solution that can be used both for new card signups and also for card renewals. This allows the library to securely verify the address of patrons saving them having to come into the library with proof of address.

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